Since its establishment in 1984, Rehom has been active in heat metering, firstly through indirect methods and then by using heat meters, in order to measure the real consumption of the users, with the consequent reduction of the same
Over the years it developed a series of modules with different applications: from calories measurement with flow rate regulation through valves, to more complex modules with domestic hot water production up to the regulation of the temperature of the hot / cold fluid for floor heating systems.
Rehom counts more than 50.000 installations and of these more than 20.000 are managed by our maintenance staff to assure the property managers the right consumption measurement and cost allocation.
The current systems are connected to a continuous monitoring system that signals to the assistance service the onset of a fault, while the apartment users can view their consumption and activate/deactivate the supply of calories / refrigerators to their apartment through the dedicated App.
By accessing the dedicated platform via password, they will be able to verify the consumption data updated to the present date via the web and analyze the historical data of each property.
Advantages for TENANTS
They will be able to check their current consumption data and history remotely via the secure access app, certified for Apple and Android systems.
- Calories / Frigories metering
- Contabilizzazione acqua calda sanitaria
- Contabilizzazione acqua fredda sanitaria
- Opening time metering of the regulating valve
- Automatic capacity adjustment
- Two capacity set-points with local or remote setting
- Automatic set point switching according to season (heating/cooling)
- Automatic capacity correction to keep delta T return readable by the heat meter
Download the technical documentation:
- Calories / Frigories metering
- Contabilizzazione acqua calda sanitaria
- Contabilizzazione acqua fredda sanitaria
- Opening time metering of the regulating valve
Download the technical documentation:
REH02002-01 55° 65° 75°
- Calories / Frigories metering
- Contabilizzazione acqua calda sanitaria
- Contabilizzazione acqua fredda sanitaria
- Usage time accounting
- DHW heat exchanger power 36 kw
- Primary temperature 55 ° 65 ° 75 °
- Primary flow rate 1100 lit / h
- Heating circuit climatic regulation
- A single measurement of the external temperature for all the building modules
- Climate curve set remotely for each module
- Regulation of the sanitary water temperature at a fixed point from the user interface, if present in the system
- DHW circuit precedence
- Regulation of the primary flow of the exchanger according to the hot water withdrawals
- Circulation pump with inverter
- Remote display of the operating status of the module's organs
Download the technical documentation:
- Heat accounting
- Hot cold H2o accounting
- Usage time accounting
- Regulation of the water temperature to the radiant panels according to the external temperature (winter) or the dew point in summer
- Climate curve set remotely for each module
- A single measurement of the external temperature for all the building modules
- Blocking valve for high temperature circuit boards
- Exclusion of the heated towel rail in summer mode
- Two levels of regulated temperature for the floor panels, direct for the heated towel rail
- Pompa di circolazione con inverter
- Remote display of the operating status of the module's organs
Download the technical documentation:
Il kit di ricircolo viene utilizzato in associazione ai moduli di contabilizzazione per assicurare che l’erogazione della temperatura dell’acqua calda ai rubinetti avvenga entro i termini imposti dalle normative.
- It controls the temperature of the recirculating water and when it falls below the limit imposed by the legislation, it activates the recirculation
- When recirculation is active, the impulses of the measurement counter
Tutti i moduli utilizzati per il raffrescamento possono essere
schiumati per evitare la formazione di condensa.
The master unit, connected to the modules installed in the building by a data bus, works as:
- Gate to the remote control for consumption reading, operating status of the modules and for sending commands
- Web connection units
- External temperature and humidity acquisition unit to be transmitted to the modules
Primary fluid recirculation PUMP CONTROL UNITS
The Master calls the modules, every 15 minutes, for the power supplied and, depending on the total power required, adjusts the speed of the pumps by stopping them when the power required is zero.
GENERATOR CONTROL UNITS according to the power required
The Virtual Thermostat App is the first App released by Rehom for installations where the apartment WebServer is not included.
It allows the:
- Change the operating mode of the control system
- Change the required temperature in each zone by +/- 3°C
- Display the required temperatures in each zone
- Display the measured humidity in each zone
- Display progressive heating, cooling, hot water consumption since system activation
- Display in graphic and numerical form the consumption of the last 12 months
The App is accessible only with access credentials to be requested from the Rehom offices and a yearly fee will be charged.
RadiaxWeb is the new App designed with a user-friendly graphics that can be used in installations where the Webserver is present in the apartment.
It allows the:
- Visualization of different information in the home page (measured temperature and humidity, outdoor temperature, weather icons, mode and set temperature, dehumidification system activity status,...)
- Schedule daily, weekly and calendar temperature curves
- Choose the operating mode (off, economy, eco-comfort, comfort, manual)
- Adjustment of system operation by means of the PREDICTIVE ALGORITHM
- Change the required temperature in each zone by +/- 3°C
- Display the required temperatures in each zone
- Display the measured humidity in each zone
- Display progressive heating, cooling, hot water consumption since system activation
- Display in graphic and numerical form the consumption of the last 12 months
- Choose the air flow speed
- View the status of the objects in each zone
- Manage the objects in each zone
- Weekly remote reading of consumption and regulation parameters that allow to verify the functionality of the system
- Delivery of a periodic consumption breakdown printout
- Historical analysis of user consumption related to regulation data, on request of the administrator.
- Hotline
- Replacement of defective parts that are not subject to wear and tear
- Technical assistance to repair faults
La Rehom ha implementato sui moduli Radiax la funzione di erogazione Calore Prepagata
The Prepaid Heat function requires the system to be equipped with metering modules with electronics, a 2.4″ or 4.3″ user interface and a web connection with remote control.
L’utente anticipa il pagamento dell’energia termica che prevede di utilizzare e il modulo
rimane attivo (sulla base della richiesta del cronotermostato di alloggio) fino all’esaurimento
del denaro anticipato.
Per i moduli con produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria (serie Radiax H2O) il
controllo dell’erogazione è possibile sul riscaldamento e sull’acqua calda sanitaria, mentre
per le altre tipologie di moduli è possibile sul riscaldamento/raffrescamento.
After the payment of the amount due to the operator, the module is activated for the heat supply.
The following data are displayed on the user interface:
- Top-up in € and Kw
- Balance in € and Kw
- Average daily consumption in Kw
All’esaurimento del credito prepagato il sistema può inibire completamente o limitare il
funzionamento del modulo d’utenza.
Top-up operations are carried out by remote control on which the payment history remains for each user.