The care for the comfort of your home

To improve the environment in which we live, Rehom offers an integrated system of solutions for the accounting of calories and frigories, for the regulation of climatic comfort and for the treatment of the air in your apartment with the possibility of preventing any system breakdowns thanks to an integrated diagnostic system.
The Remote control, operated directly from the Rehom headquarters, helps to prevent and analyze any problems related to the systems, both of the entire building and of the individual housing units.

The care for the comfort of your home

Per migliorare l’ambiente in cui viviamo, Rehom propone un sistema integrato di soluzioni per godere al meglio degli spazi domestici, che ha la possibilità di appoggiarsi a un sistema evoluto di diagnostica. ll Remote control, operated directly from the Rehom headquarters, helps to prevent and analyze any problems related to the systems, both of the entire building and of the individual housing units.

Our services

Rehom's calorie measurement modules for energy saving.

Rehom's solutions for domestic environment temperature management and adjustment.

Rehom's air treatment devices can be integrated with the comfort control system: dehumidification or individual mechanical ventilation.

A convenient way to control all Rehom's technological devices from a handy interface.

Rehom's advanced diagnostic system to support you in system maintenance.

Room comfort and home automation control solutions also available for single-family homes with independent heating.

Warmth project

WARMTH it is a project that involved three Lombard SMEs e four departments of the Politecnico di Milano (Design, Energia, ABC, DEIB), funded by Smart Living call for the Lombardy Region. The project carried out R&D and innovation activities on a range of products for monitoring, analysis and optimization of the operation of air conditioning systems and room comfort. The energy management system aimed at the residential market (Home Energy Management System) is connected via a cloud platform, which houses the control intelligence and is able to optimize the operation of centralized winter air conditioning systems.

The role of REHOM

As part of the Tepore project, Rehom revised the system architecture of the apartment by introducing a new component: the Webserver e’ l’elemento innovativo che si occupa della visualizzazione dell’Interfaccia Utente e dell’interazione con l’algoritmo predittivo che puo’ risiedere localmente al Webserver oppure essere richiamato remotamente sulla piattaforma cloud. Le funzioni messe a disposizione dell’utente consentono, oltre alle classiche funzioni di regolazione e di controllo dei consumi, di impostare una delle modalita’ di funzionamento del clima (Antigelo, Risparmio, Eco Comfort, Comfort, Manuale); nelle modalita’ Risparmio e Eco Comfort e’ attivo l’algoritmo in grado di calcolare quando attivare/disattivare il riscaldamento/raffrescamento per ottenere le temperature programmate negli orari desiderati e ottimizzando i consumi. Per l’interfaccia utente e’ stata implementata la grafica ideata dal Dipartimento di Design del Politecnico

The advantages of this project

The Tepore project has made it possible to improve Rehom's RMZ + product with innovative and unprecedented features such as predictive programming of apartment temperatures, making the product competitive on the Italian market and, in perspective, on the foreign one. It also made it possible to improve the dehumidifier product by improving the assembly phase of the various components, reducing the sound emission of the fan and compressor and improving the efficiency of the recuperator.

Project carried out as part of the Smart Living call: Integration between production services and technology in the construction-wood-furniture-home supply chain funded by the Lombardy Region - TEPORE project - ID: 379389


Sustainable use of energy

Better consumption awareness

Protection of the environment

Reduced release of harmful substances into the air


The user can adjust the temperature of their apartment according to their preferences


The building achieves an average annual savings on the fuel used by the boiler ranging between 10% and 30%


Each user only pays what they consume. Keeping your power consumption under control means saving money and reducing waste

Access to adjustment and consumption data

For property managers and users, through the dedicated web platform

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